Escape from Bishkek

Kyrgyzstan feels different to the other Central Asian countries we’ve ridden through. It’s surprisingly better off, evident in the size of the houses, the types of cars and the quality of the (main) road surface. The clothes people wear and the music we hear are more western influenced; we’re much more likely to see girls …

Sary Tash to Bishkek

Anyone remember The Adventure Fairy? Well in Kyrgyzstan she was back with a vengeance. After a half day and a full night sleeping in Sary Tash Kirsty feels much better and I’ve got a tiny bit more energy so we decide to continue. After so many days at high altitude and several nights camping above …

Khorog to Sary Tash – The Pamir Highway

Before we left England a common question was “Which bit of the trip are you most looking forward to?”. It’ll be interesting if our answers are the same as “Which bit of the trip did you most enjoy?” when this is all over. Picking a single one is almost impossible but featuring high on the …

Dushanbe to Khorog

5th to 16th June 2015 The blog has become very much neglected over the last few months but it’s not from lack of anything to write about (shesnottypingontheback)! The big Catch Up starts here with our exit from the capital of Tajikistan and heading towards the Pamir region, a stretch that seems a long time …

Samarkand to Dushanbe

24th May to 5th June 2015 Kirsty was always very proud of her attendance record at her former place of work. In the 14 years she was there the number of days off that she took due to sickness could be counted on one hand. One of those was partly my fault after taking her …

Nukus to Samarkand

It’s compulsory for any blog about a journey to Samarkand to include this poem, so here it is: We travel not for trafficking alone;By hotter winds our fiery hearts are fanned:For lust of knowing what should not be knownWe take the Golden Road to Samarkand. By James Elroy Flecker. Full version here. From Nukus we …

Aktau to Nukus

To our left the view is 90% sky with the ground so flat you could set a spirit level on it. There’s nothing but sand and small shrubs stretching out to the horizon. Looking to the right it’s a mirror image. Up ahead the tarmac is arrow straight but there’s supposed to be a slight …

Escape from Baku

There was a rumour that the restrictions on visas for UK citizens visiting Iran was only temporary and would be lifted once the much publicised nuclear talks had been completed. Sadly it looks like this isn’t the case, or at least nothing has changed yet so our Plan A route to Central Asia is well …