
On 16th August 2014 the two of us set out on one bicycle from Bristol in the south west of England with a rough idea of a route that would take us on a less than direct journey around the world. Along the way there were mountains, deserts, forests and cities with a long and winding road to ride along between them. A daunting prospect!

In the end we travelled for 851 days on our tandem bike returning home to Bristol on 13th December 2016. Behind us was a trip that took us through 46 countries, covering 47,062km by pedal power and along the way we experienced a world full of wonder and kindness.

Please explore this site to discover more about our adventure.

The blog archive contains many stories about the people and places that we visited, from sub zero camping in Poland to seeking shade from the 47 degree heat in Tajikistan, losing the bike in Kyrgyzstan to running a half marathon in North Korea.

You might also like to look at the ‘Route‘ page which contains a map and locations where we stayed for the entire route, along with the routes of some of the other trips we’ve done since.

Please contact us if you’d like to ask any questions about the trip, riding a tandem, cycle touring  in general or just to say hi. We’re also available for speaking if you’d like to hear our story in person.

Our convoluted route from Bristol to Bristol


Cycle touring around the globe on bikes made for one or two
  • The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
    5 months ago
  • Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
    5 months ago
  • Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
    5 months ago
  • Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
    5 months ago
  • Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
    5 months ago
  • You know it's going to be a good week when it starts with a Calmac Ferry 

@calmacferries @justin.mumford

#isleofmull #oban #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes #scotlandinseptember
    5 months ago
  • Great to see this advert for @actionon_poverty in this month's @wearecyclinguk Cycling Magazine!

A 9 day cycling trip in Uganda that you can join next February. We know exactly how good this will be! 🇺🇬🚴

Raising money for a very good cause to help APT to support projects in East and West Africa. Changing lives by breaking the cycle of poverty.

You can find our more and sign up at aptuk.org.uk

(📸 An excellent photo on the advert too 😉)

#breakthecycle #cycleuganda #cyclinguganda #cycletouring  #beatpoverty #makeadifference #changelives #tripofalifetime
    6 months ago
  • Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
    10 months ago
  • We're very excited to be returning to the Cycle Touring Festival this year (well Kirsty is returning, Marcus was busy tackling malaria last year).
We'll be joining a fantastic lineup of speakers including @paulcheesemusic and @treadlighterlib for a weekend talking about everything to do with cycle touring (and a bit of bikerafting too).
If this sounds like your bag/pannier then grab your tickets at cycletouringfestival.co.uk.

Hopefully see you there!

#cycletouringfestival #cycletouring #packyourpannier #bikesandtents #cyclecamping #cyclingmyanmar #minglabar #bikerafting #getyourticketsnow
    11 months ago
  • It's been a while since I wrote the first chapter of our Uganda blog as many things have considered against me to delay the second part. But finally here it is (link in bio). 

I hope you enjoy reading it and with any luck I'll get the story finished off soon too.

#transuganda #ugandacycletouring
#visituganda #cycletouringblog #tellyourstory #sipifalls #liramarket #actiononpoverty #platformforlabouraction #peugeotbike #keeplifesimple
    1 year ago
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight.

An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it!

We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure.

#ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
The final morning was to be a two ferry day, but if we missed the 9:40 at Lochaline then we'd miss the one we wanted at Craignure back to Oban too and we wouldn't be home until midnight. An extra 10 mins in the tents seemed like a good idea at the time but it meant we were pushing on from the start. With the hills of Morvern slowing us down it was starting to look quite tight so I raced on ahead. I arrived in time to keep the ferry crew talking but as the clock ticked on it looked like they might have to leave without us. Then at exactly 9:40 there was a flash of orange and Justin came flying round the corner and straight on to the ferry. He'd just made it! We enjoyed a short spin on Mull then the second ferry delivered us back in Oban to refuel on razor clams before we hit the road for the long drive south. 5 days well spent and as alwamys 5 was not enough. Thank you Scotland for another fine adventure. #ilovescotland #racetotheferry #justintime #caledonianmacbrayne #morvern #islsofmull #oban #bikerafting #packrafting #cycletouring #brothersontour
5 months ago
View on Instagram |
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road.
After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. 
We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down.
The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks.

#ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
Strong winds and lightweight boats are not a good combination so when we heard the howling gale in the night I was worried that either our packrafts had blown away or we'd never make it back across the loch. Luckily there was a brief window when the gale subsided and we managed a short paddle up to a beach further up the lock and got back on the road. After joining the hordes to watch the Jacobite chuff across Glenfinnian Viaduct we turned south onto a rough forest track alongside Loch Shiel. The silence only broken by two jets flying low down the valley on exercise. We'd been warned about the steep climb at the other end and it lived up to it's fierce reputation. A 3 mile granny ring winch took us high up on to the mountains. But what comes up must come down...and down. The day ended back at Loch Sunart camping under the rainbow and attacked by ticks. #ilovescotland #locheilt #glenfinnanviaduct #lochshiel #climbingmakesyoustronger #ihateticks #packrafting #frontierpackraft #cycletouring
5 months ago
View on Instagram |
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. 
Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. 
Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky.

#ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
Blue sky days in Scotland are hard to beat and yesterday was a real gem. Taking the ferry from Mull to Ardnamurchan then following the glorious road as it rolled up and down alongside Loch Sunark before we crossed the headland to the north. Then we took to the water again to paddle across Loch Eilt as the sun was sinking behind the Ben. Limbo-ing under a low bridge just as a train went over, it was then a short hike up to Essan bothy. Accesible either by water or a long trek over the mountain makes it a challenge to get to and we had the place to ourselves. We settled in to enjoy an open fire and a wee dram of Ardnamurchan whisky. #ilovescotland #islsofmull #ardnamurchan #ardnamurchandistillery #locheilt #essanbothy #packrafting #bikerafting #cycletouring
5 months ago
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Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage.

We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views.

#ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
Even on a short trip the unexpected can catch you out. Foolishly I forgot to pack a spoke so of course one broke half way through yesterday's ride. Luckily a man called Dave and his shed full of hire bikes came to the rescue and we got it fixed but at the expense of a shorter day's milage. We still managed a choppy crossing back from Iona and some lovely roads up to Salen. No otters spotted but plenty of great views. #ilovescotland #iona #islsofmull #mullitover #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes
5 months ago
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Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. 
Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible.

#lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
Calmac ferries aren't always the answer though when you've got a packraft on board. Across Mull by bike then across to Iona in the boats with some close encounters with a seal family on the way. The water here is just incredible. #lovescotland❤️ #isleofmull #islenofiona #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #wherweregoingwedontneedferries
5 months ago
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You know it's going to be a good week when it starts with a Calmac Ferry 

@calmacferries @justin.mumford

#isleofmull #oban #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes #scotlandinseptember
You know it's going to be a good week when it starts with a Calmac Ferry @calmacferries @justin.mumford #isleofmull #oban #cycletouring #bikerafting #packrafting #frontierpackraft #konabikes #scotlandinseptember
5 months ago
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Great to see this advert for @actionon_poverty in this month's @wearecyclinguk Cycling Magazine!

A 9 day cycling trip in Uganda that you can join next February. We know exactly how good this will be! 🇺🇬🚴

Raising money for a very good cause to help APT to support projects in East and West Africa. Changing lives by breaking the cycle of poverty.

You can find our more and sign up at aptuk.org.uk

(📸 An excellent photo on the advert too 😉)

#breakthecycle #cycleuganda #cyclinguganda #cycletouring  #beatpoverty #makeadifference #changelives #tripofalifetime
Great to see this advert for @actionon_poverty in this month's @wearecyclinguk Cycling Magazine! A 9 day cycling trip in Uganda that you can join next February. We know exactly how good this will be! 🇺🇬🚴 Raising money for a very good cause to help APT to support projects in East and West Africa. Changing lives by breaking the cycle of poverty. You can find our more and sign up at aptuk.org.uk (📸 An excellent photo on the advert too 😉) #breakthecycle #cycleuganda #cyclinguganda #cycletouring #beatpoverty #makeadifference #changelives #tripofalifetime
6 months ago
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Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. 

Sometimes plans are overrated.

#brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
Our ferry was stranded in Roscoff so we had a last minute change of plan and sailed to St Malo instead. It didn't matter. In fact the change gave us more than we expected with a spin to Mont St Michel, some fantastic food and just a lovely few days with friends. Sometimes plans are overrated. #brittanycycletouring #normandycycletouring #francecycletouring #painauraisin #loadupthebaguettes #montstmichel #cargobike #konaute
10 months ago
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We're very excited to be returning to the Cycle Touring Festival this year (well Kirsty is returning, Marcus was busy tackling malaria last year).
We'll be joining a fantastic lineup of speakers including @paulcheesemusic and @treadlighterlib for a weekend talking about everything to do with cycle touring (and a bit of bikerafting too).
If this sounds like your bag/pannier then grab your tickets at cycletouringfestival.co.uk.

Hopefully see you there!

#cycletouringfestival #cycletouring #packyourpannier #bikesandtents #cyclecamping #cyclingmyanmar #minglabar #bikerafting #getyourticketsnow
We're very excited to be returning to the Cycle Touring Festival this year (well Kirsty is returning, Marcus was busy tackling malaria last year). We'll be joining a fantastic lineup of speakers including @paulcheesemusic and @treadlighterlib for a weekend talking about everything to do with cycle touring (and a bit of bikerafting too). If this sounds like your bag/pannier then grab your tickets at cycletouringfestival.co.uk. Hopefully see you there! #cycletouringfestival #cycletouring #packyourpannier #bikesandtents #cyclecamping #cyclingmyanmar #minglabar #bikerafting #getyourticketsnow
11 months ago
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It's been a while since I wrote the first chapter of our Uganda blog as many things have considered against me to delay the second part. But finally here it is (link in bio). 

I hope you enjoy reading it and with any luck I'll get the story finished off soon too.

#transuganda #ugandacycletouring
#visituganda #cycletouringblog #tellyourstory #sipifalls #liramarket #actiononpoverty #platformforlabouraction #peugeotbike #keeplifesimple
It's been a while since I wrote the first chapter of our Uganda blog as many things have considered against me to delay the second part. But finally here it is (link in bio). I hope you enjoy reading it and with any luck I'll get the story finished off soon too. #transuganda #ugandacycletouring #visituganda #cycletouringblog #tellyourstory #sipifalls #liramarket #actiononpoverty #platformforlabouraction #peugeotbike #keeplifesimple
1 year ago
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