North West India 2015 ←Kyrgyzstan 2015 Gallery Page Nepal 2015→ Indiri Ghandi Airport Rebuilding the bike in Delhi Airport Dodging traffic in Delhi Tired of ironing Sleeping tuktuk driver Tomb of I’timād-ud-Daulah (baby Taj) Most cyclists make our load seem quite light Marble workers in Agra. Supposedly all the employees of this company are descended from the families who made the Taj Mahal. Colour everywhere East Face of the Taj Mahal Specialist sari edging shop A man making wedding garlands filled with money Enough wax came out to make a candle. Lakshmi Narayan Mandir Temple Plenty of room, surely? Rice and dahl by the bucketload The Golden Temple, Amritsar Wagah border ceremony grandstands Supporting Hindustan! High kicking guard at the Wagah Boder Retreat Ceremony The Golden Temple, Amritsar Tara the intrepid Canadian ( Jammu Hipsters waiting for the bike shop to open Namaste! Steps to somewhere in Jammu Kite flying at dusk in front of a new temple in Jammu Bike on board Keeping the peace but causing traffic chaos Don’t think much of the bike lane When we stop, the villagers stop to look The bike gets a Shikara ride Kashmir is 80% muslim Down from the Zoji La The green valleys of Kashmir Photogenic views The first major pass from Srinigar, The Zoji La Climbing the Zoji La Soldiers on the Zoji La taking photos of us talking photos of them The trucks give us plenty of warning with repeated blasts of the horn Top of the Zoji La A perfect campsite but we were warned not to camp here -60 degC recorded in 1995. +30 recorded today. Rakesh: Older, better dressed and faster than us. Yet another huge army convoy Climbing the Nambi La Copyright © A rare opportunity for a shower Prayer flags and prayer wheel in Mulbech Namika La summit One of the many gems of information from the Border Roads Organisation Descending from the Namika La Quiet side road above Lamayura Stop and stare The landscape changes from soft greens to hard brown rock Roadside dhaba selling the ubiquitous ‘Maggi’ instant noodles Near the top of the Fotula La Summit We were welcomed to the top of each pass by hundreds of prayer flags Down from the Fotula La ‘Brain’ Landscape The Jalebi Bends Sunset on our campsite in a ruined building A monk catching up on the latest score in The Ashes Tibetan culture becoming more prominent Residents of Leh Leh High Street Thiksey Monsstery Huge Buddha, Thiksey Monastery A nice place for contemplation and meditation Copyright © Valley below Lato ‘Only’ 24km to the top Copyright © This lady was spinning wool on a bobbin while she walked Tanglang La- 5328m On op of the Tanglang La Big numbers on the Garmin Debring Hearding horses on the road from Debring Morey Plains Team Thorn Descent into Pang Copyright © Climbing the Copyright © Copyright © Off to work they go. Road repair team, Pang. Right on the ledge. If you hear a horn, pull over. Quickly. A candidate for ‘the worst bus journey in the world’ Lachung La. 5069m Look I rode this bike all the way up here, honest! Tara descending from the Lachulung La Meal time entertainment in a parachute tent Nakee La. 4758m Traversing from the Nakee La The Gato Loops Truck on the Gato Loops The Gato Loops, 21 hairpins dropping 450m We survived the Gato Loops The road from Sumdo Camping near the bottom of the Gato Loops Flying the prayer flags for good luck Huge landscape, tiny Marcus Sumdo Playstation More testing tracks on the way up the Baralacha La Every truck carried this instruction, an it was always obeyed with enthusiasm. Sleeping at 4700m requires some seriously warm socks The road down from the Baralacha La Baralacha La, 4850m. Vegetation starting to appear Glacier on the way to Keylong Hillside opposite Keylong Backpack baby Sunset just outside Gramphoo Picasa Picasa Picasa Shes not pedalling on the back! The road became a boulder field Mark and John Not tandem friendly roads, or any kind of vehicle. A lamb being rescued Picasa Picasa More river than road “..the road is so bad even the goats won’t walk on it…” Dhaba in Batal Scaling the Kunzum La Chandra Tal Early morning near Chandra Tal Prayer flags, Chandra Tal Copyright © Scaling the Kunzum La Nearing the top of the Kunzum La Kirsty heads back along the ‘river road’ and on to Menali. Stupas form a circuit for the traditional kora at the sumit of the Kunzum La Pink pebbles line the mountain nalahs The road was being built before our very eyes Spitti at last Copyright © On my own the bike now gets called a ‘long cycle’ but is still ‘very good!’ If the land is flat then crops are grown. Lots of Potatos and wheat. The Spitti River Words of wisdom from Huxley Key Gompa (monastery) Tibetan style houses Prayer wheels, Key Gompa Morning prayers in Key Gompa. Copyright © Shopkeeper and son Shichling, Population 87+2 Tabo Bridge Stupa at Tabo Monastery Morning prayers, Tabo Monastery Ancient murals, Tabo Monastery On the way to Sumdo Landslide repairs Ladies in traditional Kinnah hats The climb up to Nako Nako Somehow an orchard grows amongst the vast slabs of dry rock Yes you can! Kinnah characters near Pooh. The green and red hats are traditional for the region. A confluence of blue into the brown Sutlej River The Indians love world records, whether they’re true or not The hard working hard workers Enormous Hydro Power Plant Enjoying our bonus climb Kinnaur ladies Kinnaur Valley road, an amazing engineering feat Roadside herb garden Kinnaur valley road Kinnaur valley road, mind your head Too lazy to ride another bonus climb to Sarahan Bhimikhali Temple Apples by the truckload Kinnaur hat Early morning descent from Sarahan Parking for bikes and beef Helpful road sign on the long climb to Narkanda Proud owner of this well groomed yak Candy floss? Krishna celebrations Krishna celebrations Krishna celebrations Krishna celebrations Mass cooking for the celebrations Grey Langur Monkey Shimla knitting group Head waiter at The Indian Coffee House, Shimla The Viceregal Lodge, Shimla. 1/5th of the worlds population used to be ruled from here A temple with houses squeezed around it, Shimla Fruit! Baby monkey being groomed Don’t get too close Filling up at the Wake and Bake café, Shimla Dancers at the Shimla Apple Festival Dancers at the Shimla Apple Festival Dancers at the Shimla Apple Festival Dancers at the Shimla Apple Festival Dancers at the Shimla Apple Festival St Michael’s Church, Shimla There goes our lunch Boarding the train at Shimla Down the mountain on the Toy Train We wouldn’t dream of doing either Kibadi! Kibadi! Kibadi! Just good friends. With Shibu in Time to go I’m afraid Shibu Devotees at Paonta Sahib Helmets are optional, especially for babies. Stephen Jnr., Nalini, Stephen and On the streets of Dehradun Don’t play chicken with the elephants Pomelo, our new favourite fruit Temple of the way into Haridwar Busy streets of Haridwar Holy dip in the Ganges Haridwar fire ceremony Haridwar fire ceremony Worshipers at the evening service Kirsty launches a burning leaf boat during our marriage blessing Girls hitching a ride on a carnival float Decorated elephant Monkey tractor driver Ganesha idol Paint flinging Ganesha idol The largest and final Ganesha idol Ganesha idol Painted reveler Ganesha floats away down the Ganges Painted reveler Statue of Shiva, Haridwar A quiet shortcut Girls on the way to school In the peloton A soggy short cut Buffalo cart Mad max taxi Travelling light Off to Friday prayers in Rajipur Buffaloes wallow in the filth Village in Uttar Pradesh Blindly following the Garmin. This road needs a bit more work. 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