Uganda Part 3 Lake Lyantonde to Kampala

23rd July to 8th August 2023 We head for the hills. A jagged outline fills the horizon through the hazy morning air. In front of us the landscape is ruffled up like an unmade bed. This is going to be a tough day. The Trans-Uganda route that we are following steers us off the tarmac …

Uganda Part 2 – Sipi to Lake Lyantonde

12th July – 22nd July 2023 “Where are you going?” “Lira” “That’s a long way!” “Then after that Masindi, Fort Portal, Kasese, Kabale, Mbarara, Masaka and back to Kampala” “Eh! On this bicycle?” “Yes, all on this bicycle” Then looking at Kirsty who is sat on her bike with her bike helmet on having just …

Uganda Part 1 – Entebbe to Sipi

6th to 11th July 2023 “Mzungu! How are you?” It’s the 100th time we’ve been asked this question that day and this time the voice comes from a small boy of around 4 years old. He’s naked from the waist down, the dark skin of his toes contrasting with the brick red dust of the …

And For Our Next Trip.

We released our brakes and rolled down the hill. My riding buddies whooped as we accelerated and leant into the turns. There were a few nervous screams but on we raced past cottages and trees, with gravity on our side providing the free speed. The wind felt exhilarating on our faces, pulling at our hair …


We’re working on a new project that shockingly doesn’t just involve cycling, there isn’t even a tandem involved! In April this year we’ll be taking on the classic journey from Lands End to John O’Groats which is a rite of passage for any cyclist, but it’s only Kirsty who will be riding it. I’ll be …

The River Severn from Source to Sea

Stood in the middle of a peat bog high above the Hafren Forest we’re surrounded by pools and trickling streams. It’s been raining more on than off for most of the 4 km hike up from where we left the bikes. Hardy sheep shake off the worst of the weather from their water-logged fleeces before …

Santiago de Cuba to Havana

22nd January to 13th February 2018 “So, why Cuba?” asks David, as we sip on Cuba Libres on his balcony in Havana. We’re still in short sleeves despite it being 9pm on a January evening with the heat of the day stored up in the chipped concrete all around us. It’s a good question without …

Home is Where the Yurt is

It’s been over seven months since we returned from our jaunt around the world by tandem which is the longest amount of time we’ve spent in any one country in the last three years. Time is a funny old thing though and can be stretched or compressed depending on what you’re up to.  A day …

The home stretch – Plymouth to Bristol

How many times have you heard that well used cliche “Live for the moment”? Well we’ve lived through  some very unexpected moments during this trip. For instance the moment the front tyre went pop at a very bad moment in Turkey. The moment when Kirsty woke up to find an Uzbek taxi driver was massaging …

Back in Europe – the beginning of the end

If there are any followers of our blog left then I must apologise for the increasing scarcity of the posts. One of our aims for this trip was to spend less time looking at screens and as the journey has progressed that aim has been easier and easier to achieve, but at the expense of …