1. Hi Kirsty and Marcus,

    we met at Port Pireus 2 days ago when you headed off to Istambul.
    I was going throug your Website alteady…amazing what you have done already and even more what you are planning for this year. I will follow your journey now of course to get even motivation to start a trip like yours sometime myself. Wish you all the best, a lot of fun and nice People on the road….

    I told you from friends which did a 5-year trip, here is the webinformation, which might be useful concerning country informations and experiances you might possibly and/or occasionally need on your trip because they travelled on routes already in some of your planned countries:


    and this was my very short trip 2weeks through Italy and then 3 months on Naxos Island:


    Kind regards


    • Hi Georg, great to hear from you and thanks for the links! Hope you got home safely but don’t have to wait long before starting your next trip. You did really we’ll for your first tour so I’m sure you’ll be doing something even bigger soon. M&K

  2. Kristen tobiassen

    Hey guys. I met you in Azerbaijan at a hash run.
    Hope your well, good luck, xx

    • Hi Kristen. Good to hear from you! Yes we’re good thanks and making our way across Kazakhstan at the moment. Should be in Uzbekistan tomorrow. Not found any other hashes in the desert here though!

  3. hello,Kirsty and Marcus,I am Ronny, the English teacher you met in YuanLing, one small town during your journey. we shared so much in common, according to your shedule, you are expected to have been in ZhangJiaJie at present. I hope you can present your pictures with us and my students.
    I hope you have a good journey, look forward to your reply.
    Best wishes

    • Hi Ronnie, thanks for all your amazing hospitality when we passed through Yuanling. It was a great experience for us! We are now in Wulingyuan and seen the beautiful national park here. Please send me an email to contact@shesnotpedallingontheback.com and I’ll send some lovely photos.

      • ok, thanks for your reply. I suppose you are on the way of another great journey.you can send email to me. i would appreciate it when you share your experience with us

  4. Will follow you on you journey. Enjoyed meeting and talk with you at Springfield baptist church in Kentucky.

  5. John Stevenson

    Hey there guys! You are such an inspiration. Slightly surprised you’re not carrying on down to and then through South America and then back across to Australia. Guess a trip round the southern hemisphere will be next?!? Hope you guys will detour south and visit us when you make it back to Blighty – have plenty of bicycle storage space and a bed waiting ;o) John & Danielle

    • Hi J&D, great to hear from you! There’s a lot of the world still to explore but we want to leave something for future years (and it’s time for a rest). Will try to swing through Cornwall on our way home if time allows. Would be great to stay with you guys!

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